Visual storyteller

Dez Mighty is an award winning Filmmaker, Photographer, Entrepreneur and visual story teller.

He combines, Creative Writing alongside still and moving imagery to motivate uplift and inspire, the goal to create something beautiful that can change lives and help you to see life from an alternative perspective.

β€˜β€˜I tried to stab hatred in the back…Love somehow blocked the knife and asked why are you giving hatred back'.



I want you to Imagine a flower 

Delicate, Intricate and simple, it’s unique tapestry woven by thoughts from Gods mind, kissed lovingly into life by the suns rays, whose warmth allows the flower to grow.

This short  life, Bewitchingly beautiful and  fragile. A gentle breeze causes its leaves to move ever so slightly, wafting its fragrant scents to gently caress your nose, an aroma sent from heaven that opens the gateway to your soul.


Click to play

Wow I loved that. You had me in tears (happy ones) and goosebumps again. So relevant with everything going on in the world right now πŸ‘ŒπŸ½πŸ™πŸ½β€οΈ Natasha


Hi Dez

Thank you for sending this video to me.

I know you said that some people cried when they watched it. I found it all inspiring!

I connected with a lot of the positive aspects of your video.

I have been in positions where life/people/situations have been challenging & I had to find a way of keeping ME safe/healthy/preserved, so I got rid of people/things who/which did not see my value in their lives. Who were there to take but not give. Who saw my kindness & a weakness & I am very content/happy & comfortable with MY life!

I understand what you mean about your voice. It is already lovely & deep but you want to get it to the next level of deepness. Have you thought about Morgan Freeman’s voice? Even Idris Elba’s voice. I think you are almost there with both.

I loved the whole video. Just dealing with life, but finding a way/ways of finding the equilibrium.

You are very talented Dez!!

Well done & many congratulations!! Val

Morning Dez,

OMG I loved! 😍😍😍

Thank you for reminding me that I can fly, dream, transform like a butterfly and be magic!

This is such a beautiful piece and the world needs to see!

Would love to see other pieces as well 😁 Count on me when you need people to watch πŸ™ˆ

Have a magic day!


Dez, I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for your spoken word. Your words are truly inspirational and have a way of evoking deep emotions and reflection in those who hear them.

I especially love how your pieces begin with a sobering reality but end on a positive note, giving your listeners hope and encouragement. Your writing skills are truly exceptional, and it is clear that you have a gift for crafting words that resonate with people.

It is important to remember that when many people are saying the same thing, it is likely to be true. So, when people praise your work, believe them, and continue to share your gifts with the world. Your intelligence and creativity are gifts that should be shared, and I am proud of you for doing so.

Your writing not only inspires others, but it also provokes deep thought and introspection. You are making a positive impact on the world, and for that, I say well done, bro. Keep up the amazing work! Beverley

The Search for happiness

I absolutely loved it Dez, Where I am in this moment, it felt like you were talking to me !! Truly amazing, you really have a gift πŸ™πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ Marcia

One word only.  WOOOW!!!

U r ammmaaaazzzing.  This is soooo deep and inspirational .

U r so gifted. Seriously and ur God given talent is off the scaleπŸ™πŸΏ Cyrine



Fantastically written and very clever angle of perspective. Detailed yet easy for anyone to understand and relate to. ⭐️ Isaac

A Beautiful piece!!! Lesley

Just wow.. 😭😭😭😭😭

1. The imagery was spot on more black faces i loved that

2. The word magic was not over used it was perfectly timed

3. The length spot on

4. Imagery draws you in

5. Its a personal and emotive piece - i remember when you shared this poem - to see it come to life is MAGIC

Overall its perfect.β€οΈπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ Yvonne

This is wicked bro πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½ Peter

Hi Dez,

I absolutely love your platform and your video. I love how you use the different tonalities in your voice.

Your topic is right up my street: we think we create. If we do not like what we create, then we need to think new, better, more positive thoughts.

I can tell a lot of work has gone into your production.

Those are very deep topics that you covered there.

Parts may pass over certain  people's heads

*I loved it*

Thank you for sharing and very well done....☺️ Denise

Hey you, hope you're ok just thought I'd drop you a message with a little feedback this one has played with me have listened to it so soooo many times actually really didn't know what to make of it at first or how it made me feel but think after immersing myself in it a good few times it resonates quite well with me as someone who feels quite lost and a much needed reminder that here and now are the moments that matter and how precious those are.

Really like the way you've done it...from the start where I was actually thinking yep whats the point because we don't have control on a lot of things and then exist so why bother but then you turned it around...we can either just accept that and potter along or we can make each moment our own and use each day as a gift...its our choice and you made that hit home quite profoundly

Theres no middle ground its a choice to do it or not and be present and not for anyone else but you

You know one of the biggest things I struggle with is comprehending the coldness of the world in that once you're gone its like you were never here and nothing stops...everything carries on and after a bit of time thats're forgotten it was like you were never here but its a harsh reality and reminder to take in every moment when you are here because ultimately that's what counts our legacies are short lived and living in the past or worrying about the future ultimately rob you of today

From a religious perspective also even though you didn't specify any particular belief the referencing to knowing that when your time is done God smiles at you is πŸ‘ŒπŸ½theres a greater purpose than to just exist and to strive for that whatever it may be to you was a very nice touch


I liked what you were saying, and it's all the noise in our heads and around us that can affect our happiness. Also, you could be happy one min and next the vibes change cause of something you heard, saw.

But it would be great to remove all the clutter in your head, all the negatively around you, and be at peace.

I loved the end….Peace is looking at nature.

It's something I would like to see on TV instead of foolish adverts that people are into.

Or even on Netflix as a short affirmation.

You're very creative and have a great imagination. I liked how all the words came together at the right time with the video.

Why you're not working with the likes of other black filmmakers is a wonderment.  Is that a word?🀣

Have you tried to get your other film on Netflix? I see youπŸ€”

Anyway, on my way home and took time out of my Netflix viewing to give you my review.

Keep doing what you are doing. you're super talented.   Juliet