“You are here to create magical moments and epic days to feel the warmth of the suns rays touch your face and radiate that warmth back from your soul to uplift another”.

From Moments by Dze

  • "Deny lower things the right to hold your attention"

  • "The thing I really don't want to do is the thing I should do first".

  • Filmmaker/Photographer

    Everything starts with an idea, working with Dez will bring that idea to life. Using filmmaking photography and creative writing to tell unique and emotional stories, to get your message across to your audience.

    If you want to understand how to create inspiring and motivational films or need an experienced director and creator to help you with your latest project concept or more, let us know how we can help you.

  • Storyteller/Motivational Speaker

    Storytelling is an art form which Dez has mastered and taken to another level. He combines Film, Photography and creative storytelling to motivate, inspire and educate.

    His unique style of words and imagery look deeply into our emotional lives and gives us another way of looking at life through a different lens.

    Through his work we get a sense of urgency that life is here to be lived to its fullest and that while we are here we must do our very best to make a difference.

    If you want to learn how you can work with Dez to create your own inspirational films, let us know how we can help.

  • Educator/Mentor

    Dez has worked with children and adults teaching creativity to 10 year olds , helping teenagers to understand critical thinking or working with corporate organisations to educate employees through his award winning films

    Whatever age or type of client, Dez has been a sought after speaker and educator who brings energy, creative perspectives and a unique and honest approach to his clients, no matter their age..

    To find out how you can work with Dez let us know how we can help you.